Durai Island

Visit Durai island, your vacation will be fun

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Durai Island This tourist destination in the Anambas Islands offers a large white sand beach with a smooth and clean texture, there are many cool views or spots that can be used for selfies, with beautiful coral reefs.

Turtle Conservation Place

Tempat Konservasi Penyu

Durai Island not only has fine and clean sand, but we can see turtles hatching and flocks of cute baby turtles swimming on the beach, Durai Island must be kept clean and remember not to disturb the turtle egg hatching process to help preserve these animals, the existence of turtles that make Durai Island its habitat.

Welcome to Durai Island, hopefully Durai Island will make your holiday very enjoyable and want to come back again.

Audio Bahasa Indonesia

Access to the Anambas Islands

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